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Torquay Community House

Watercolour & Drawing Term 1 2025

Wed, 5 Feb 2025
05-02-2025 19:00
26-03-2025 21:00

Commencing 4 February (8 weeks) 

This class will be suitable for both beginners and people wanting to expand their experience in painting in watercolour.
Fundamentals of Composition, Tone, Colour, and Shape will be explored and techniques to control the brush for the making of glowing washes and appropriate mark making will be demonstrated. Lessons will be conducted in a friendly and supportive environment.  This will involve a demonstration of a technique or small painting, some discussion of other artists and their techniques, and lots of hands-on time for exploration and development with individual  guidance by the instructor.

About the Facilitator - Colin Peel

My Professional life for 40 years was in Science and Business with my hobby being painting.  Since retirement I have been able to more fully participate in the art world as a Practising Artist, in Art Societies, and as a volunteer Teacher of Water Colour painting within the Melbourne U3A.  I have enjoyed four annual month-long art residencies and exhibiting in Japan. 

Currently I am active in art groups in Melbourne such as the Victorian Art Society and the Water Colour Society of Victoria.  Having recently relocated to Jan Juc I now enjoy participating in the Geelong Art Society, life drawing at the Torquay Community House and exhibiting in local Art Shows. 

Having had workshops and instruction from many of the leading water colour artists in Australia over the last 20 years supplemented with independent study I am keen to continue to assist others to be introduced to the joy of water colour painting, or to continue to enrich their artistic journey with new ideas and techniques.  

Here on the Surf Coast we have the luxury of wonderful scenery and many days which are suitable for outdoor painting of the land and sea.  

My paintings can be seen at;  https://www.instagram.com/colinpeelart/ 

Periodically co-facilitating with Colin will be Glenn Zimmer.  Glenn has enjoyed developing her artistic skills over the past 14 years, studying under local artists such as Jan Dick, and currently co-ordinates TCH's Friday Art Group. 


Materials List 

If you have had some experience in water colour painting bring your normal supplies and the water colour paper you are familiar with.  Also check this list to judge if you have approximate equivalents in your paint tubes, brushes and paper. 

If new to water colour I suggest you buy as much of the following as convenient for you. 

The Cotman range is student grade but will give good results.  My preference is tubes.  The following 6 colours will be all you need to learn colour mixing and get an excellent range of colours. 

Permanent Rose 
Lemon yellow 
Ultramarine Blue 
Cobalt Blue 
Burnt Sienna 
Raw Sienna 

These are 8 ml tubes and approximately $11.00 each. 

#12 Round Roy Mac Brush    $11.50 
Roymac Achiever Flat size 12 (1 inch/30mm)     $18.50 

Water Colour Paper  

Saunders Cold Press or Rough - One Full Sheet   $16.15 

Good quality paper is essential and can be cut to size. You can also paint on both sides for the exercises we do. A full sheet will last several weeks. 

Mixing Palette 
Micador Louis Palette (has a lid)    $5.75 
Many other options – just make sure it has at least 6 wells for mixing paint. 

A water container 
Masking tape 
Sketch pad 

I will bring sufficient materials on week 1 so if anyone prefers to not outlay money in the first week they can still get started to decide if they wish to continue.  No-one need to be put off because of initial costs which this list comes to approximately $100.  Water colour materials seem expensive – particularly artist quality, but they go a long way and last a long time. 

Cavalier Art Supplies in Geelong have this list and will assist you on any of your needs.  Please avoid cheap Newsagent type art supplies as you will get disappointing results. 

When: Wednesdays 6.30pm-8.30pm
Cost: $120 per term
Concession: $80 per term (concession cards required to be sighted prior to commencement)

Need financial assistance?
We have a number of subsidised places for our programs available to community members who require financial assistance.

Please email co-ordinator@torquaycommunityhouse.org.au to arrange your subsidised place - all enquiries will remain confidential.

Terms & Conditions

  • Enrolments will be accepted in the order of receipt until classes fill
  • Classes may be cancelled if insufficient numbers of participants enrol
  • Full refund of fees will be payable if classes are cancelled by Torquay Community  House
  • Refund of fees will not be paid unless notification of withdrawal is received in writing 2 working days prior to commencement of the course
Ticket Type Price
Watercolour & Drawing $120.00
Watercolour & Drawing (Concession ) $80.00
Volunteer Facilitator $0.00 Unavailable
Total: $
Torquay Community House
14 Price St, Torquay VIC 3228, Australia

14 Price Street, Torquay, Victoria, 3228, Australia

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